Wednesday, April 26, 2006

If Atlanta Were Different

If Atlanta were different… it would be because Christians do what Doug and Sarah have begun…

I met Doug through an inner-city church planter’s training network we helped start months ago. He is an anglo guy from L.A. (lower Alabama) who played football for the Auburn Tigers. He and his wife moved into a low-income apartment in East Atlanta years ago so they could disciple urban youth for the long haul. They have been there four years I think. It will take a lifetime of sacrifice to see the will of God done there as it is in heaven. But I believe it is going to happen…

I went to their Bible study last night. I was impressed. It wasn’t the facility or the professionalism of the program, but the hunger of those 10 young men learning the Word of God.

I’m sure the spiritual warfare is intense. It isn’t easy to plant a church anywhere, much less where Doug is laboring. But the young men there want the gospel. They welcome it. The fields are full of harvest!

It takes guts and intensity to plant a church in inner city Atlanta. I’m proud to help guys like Doug. I’m doubly proud (in a humble way) that Doug would bring some of those youth to worship with us at Crosspoint any time.

One prayer request: Would you pray for God to call and fund and strengthen and protect Doug and Sarah and 100 more couples like them?
That is a prayer that will transform a city.
That is what it will take for all of Atlanta to be transformed by the Kingdom of God.
That is what I want Crosspoint to be doing now and into the future.
