I’d love to say that Crosspoint is exploding with 100s accepting Christ every Sunday. But that isn’t true. The biggest unexpected growth in our church is in its pastor! And it’s happening in other pastors in Smyrna too. I think the growth and transformation must happen in us pastors before the Lord will loose His Spirit on the churches. Does that sound biblical?
There are 35 churches in Smyrna and for about a year now, 7-10 of the Sr. Pastors have gathered for 30-45 minutes on Mondays to pray together. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to last. It was a little weird at first. But something is going on.
God has knit our hearts together as we pray for each other and each other’s churches.
We have Methodist, Baptist, Assembly of God, independent Pentecostal and Presbyterian pastors praying for each other’s churches to grow. For the gospel of Christ to expand. For God to be made famous in our city. Every week we pray that God would so pour out His Spirit that every church is packed full three times over. Today one pastor prayed that we would all be desperate to preach the gospel! I want in on that!
And you know what? As we commiserate, we laugh and as we confess our sins, we hold each other up when we struggle and when our people struggle. We trust each other. And there is a very real love. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking God might be doing a work of revival in our city – and he is starting with us!
Praying Together November 4th
Would you pray for the Church of Smyrna to pray? The only thing we are doing is praying. We have called for a Prayer Walk after church on November 4th for our churches to answer the call to ‘Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into His harvest’
I long for the day when God pours out His Spirit in such power that men and women are coming to faith HOURLY! Oh God, be glorified! Be famous! We are so proud of YOU!
Would you pray for Richard, Shell, Steve, Jamie, Stuart, Fredrick, Joey and me? Pray for more pastors to pray with us.
I think God just might answer!
PS - God is growing this church and His kingdom all over the globe! As you can see from our last blog entry (http://www.crosspointsmyrna.blogspot.com) things are jumping at Crosspoint and in the Near East.
A daughter church in Powder Springs is getting started with public worship, ministries are expanding, we are developing leaders - our own Moon kids maturing. It is all a joy. But that isn’t all that God is doing! Keep praying!