Thursday, September 07, 2006

Slack Asking for Prayer

Hey all you Prayer folks
I have been slack on asking for prayer! Why is it that when things are going well, I don’t ask for prayer? I honestly think (wrongly) that we don’t need it! What a thick skull I have.

We have had some really great ministry happening in and through Crosspoint. Let me tell you just one quick one. We sent 8 folks to First Pres Gulfport MS for a week of Katrina home repair/outreach. I was amazed at what a job our crews did! And wow, did we share the gospel while we worked! The one couple was quite a trip – he is a non-practicing Muslim, she is an semi-agnostic from the Czech Republic! She kept asking out loud, ‘Why do you do this? Give up a week’s vacation to come build my kitchen? I would never do this!’ We told her about Jesus – a lot. Pray for Karim and Eva Amin to come to faith in Jesus!

We are starting a 2nd hour of Christian Ed this month, cranking up another year of small groups, offering two Crown ministries and prepping for our ‘graduation’ to official church. It is great to have more new folks joining us and seeing the full house is encouraging! But we are still at a tender place. Sort a bigger target for the enemy now. Please Pray for Protection and effective ministry within our church and outside it.

But WE ARE STILL IN NEED! We are getting close to selecting elders. The pastor(s) are STILL IN NEED of faith in Jesus! Whereas I have struggled with doubt, now I’m struggling with self-sufficiency and human security! Pray that God would give me and the other leaders a continual sense of dependence and joy in Jesus only.

You all rock! Thanks for praying!

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