Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Play in the Reign

Play in the Reign....
Spring makes me want to go out and play! I would except the whole city is covered in nasty yellow pollen dust so thick you can watch it ‘poof’ with every step you take! OH DO WE NEED RAIN!

Would you pray that I will better learn to play in God’s reign?
And if you don’t attend Crosspoint, pray the same thing for your pastor too.

The Church will be a lot healthier if we all recognize that we are far worse off than we realize but far, FAR more loved than we dared imagine! That will lead to a party! And everybody loves a good party!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Slack about Asking for Prayer

Hey Prayer team!
Wow, I’m getting slack about sending out requests. My bad. The good news in that is that Crosspoint is beginning to intercede on its own behalf and for others. But we still need your prayers!

Pray for us to labor well in our season of prayer and fasting prior to Easter.
Pray for the lost in our city to come to faith in Christ. God is REALLY moving in Steven my soon-to-be-former-pagan friend.
I’m having lunch with Edward this week. Pray for an open door to tell him how much I need Jesus.
Pray for God to clearly call deacons to serve Crosspoint.
Pray also for wisdom about starting our first mercy ministry for the city. We are praying about starting a Jobs for Life program.
Pray for our daughter church Emmanuel and Pastor José – all the funding to be pledged.

Thanks for praying!