Why am I preaching when there are SO many better preachers on the internet? Can you name the one pictured here? If you go to his mega-church, how is he as a pastor?
I'm in Atlanta, land of 100 mega-churches. Why DON'T we all just give up and download Andy? Or go to a satellite location? (Or any one of the other 99 mega-pastors?) Why should I keep on preaching?
Here's Why:I think Andy is wrong and a young pastor friend is right on.
My buddy out preaches most preachers. But has a problem Andy doesn't. He's bright, insightful, great connection with his people. He started a church about 15 months ago and now has 'too many people.'
Why would ANY preacher say THAT?!
Because he believes that a preacher is supposed to
actually pastor and evangelize, care for and train up the people to whom he preaches.
He doesn't want to be a mega-pastor. He wants to reach all the people in his parish in Atlanta - and plant more churches with real actual pastors who preach, evangelize, care for and train their flock until the whole city is filled up with local pastors locally ministering locally training and living with people until everyone loves Jesus.
I'm with this guy. You can keep your two-dimensional relationship with a screen.
I want to be one of 1000s of pastors who preach and love the people into the Kingdom of Christ - all over Atlanta - face-to-face until JESUS is the most famous preacher in Atlanta.
- 10 churches of 100 people will reach more people with the gospel than one church of 1000.