Has Serena been reading my journal? Taking lessons for the Jim Moon School of Anger Mismanagement?
"I used to have a real temper, and I've gotten a lot better," Williams said later. "So I know you don't believe me, but I used to be worse. Yes, yes, indeed."
Her profanity laden tirade cost her $10,000 at the U.S. Open. My outbursts cost at least that much. Mine are not captured and replayed on national TV, but my wife and kids feel just as threatened. And I pay consequences - door repairs, replacement shovels, rebuilding trust and public embarrassment. (Did you notice the guy's face in the middle of the picture? sort of funny. sort of)
But Someone has already paid my fines and taken all the punishment. Priceless.
Am I saying that Christ's death, burial and resurrection doesn't pay the penalty for my sin? No. He did pay for my guilt.
But sin still costs consequences (cue replay of King David's sin, forgiveness and consequences). And I'll gladly endure the LORD's kind discipline. He's making me better. Free to confess. Free to be free!
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