Tuesday, February 20, 2007


We had an awesome All-Church retreat and its effect was tremendous in getting our folks connected to one another! All that luxurious time spent learning from Pastor Raymond and Donna Causey, talking, laughing and playing together helped relationships and trust go deep! And all the game playing, interactive learning and ‘No Talent’ show proves this church is a hoot! Thanks be to God!

Would you pray for these concerns:
1 – I have called the church to 40 days of Prayer and Fasting beginning next Wednesday the 28th leading up to Resurrection Sunday. Would you pray that 50% of our people would fast in some fashion and join together for united prayer each Tuesday night for an hour? Pray that we would LISTEN, LEARN, LOVE and LET GO.

2 – Pray that the Holy Spirit will put a holy thirst and hunger for His honor and glory in our hearts and in the hearts of the people of Smyrna. The Lord whispered to me in prayer (in a very biblical way) the other day that ‘Most people in Smyrna don’t see the need for Me or My church, much less a new church.’ How can God’s glory and fame grow if most people don’t feel their need of Him?

3 – Pray for me as I lead. I am slow to believe that God wants to glorify Himself. I think I can out-plan and out-strategize Him. But I really, really need God.

4 – Pray for the Senior Pastors of the Church in Smyrna. Since October, a handful of senior pastors have been praying every Monday morning for revival and the move of God’s Spirit in our city. Pray that we don’t loose heart. Pray that we will be both humbled and emboldened by the gospel! Pray for Pastors Greene, Osbon, Hatchell, Kimmel, Coady, Ekane, Caldwell, and Moon.

Thanks for praying! We couldn’t do this without your support!

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