Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Have Glue for Brains

I feel like I have glue for brains. One thing I have learned is when I don’t feel like the brightest crayon in the box, I need to ask for prayer.

- Would you pray for me and Elizabeth that we would rest in the strong arms of Jesus!
- We are trying to prayerfully decide about taking another team to London this July for a week of prayer and evangelism. Would you ask Dad if we ought to do that?
- Our new assistant pastor Anthony and his family arrive this weekend. Pray for safety and God’s financial provision for them – they need either more support or a 2nd job. (What a step of faith they are making! They are raising support to come serve with us!)
- Ask God to lead my friend Steven the soon to be former pagan to read the Gospel of Mark. He asked me last week if I could tell him some Bible passages to read ‘that would show him what Jesus was like as a man’ and that he ‘would like to learn how I can have a relationship with your God.’ I couldn’t believe it. God is working in Steven.
- Pray for the people of Crosspoint. We have many challenges among us!

- And lastly, with London on our minds, we got this word from Jeremy (one of the missionaries among South Asians our 2005 team met)
Friends here have a 3 year old daughter who is in hospital in a completely unresponsive state - not talking, only blank stares. The doctors are baffled - maybe a virus in the brain? They are Gujarati Jains and God has put in on our hearts to tangibly help them as we can (visiting, and they have a son who is Noah and Sam's age who has come to play) and to PRAY that Jesus would wake this girl up and bring her back to herself and the whole family to Himself. If he can raise Jairus' daughter from the dead, he is surely able to do this. Would you join us in praying for this family as God leads you?

Jesus heal her and get all the credit!

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