Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Listen In: Audio Interviews about Crosspoint

People ask about Crosspoint all the time. So I asked a friend of mine who’s skeptical about churches in general to record our dialogue about four questions most people have about church. I hope this gives you some insight into Crosspoint and its mission:

When people look at a church, they often notice things like our growing children and youth ministries, our diverse people and music or the welcoming atmosphere. You may connect with our home groups, service teams (like Habitat for Humanity) or men's ministry during the week. But programs are only what you see people doing.

If you were to visit us or our new church plant, I hope you'll notice that really, the driving force for Crosspoint is our passion for what we call 'the gospel' - which means 'good news'. We have simply discovered the good news that God has graced us through Jesus Christ. We aren't better than anyone else. We are sinners and God granted us beautiful, strong purpose for living here and now. We want all the implications of God's grace worked deeply into our souls, and then worked out in our families, our workplaces, our neighborhoods, and our city.

The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us boldness and humility to be who we are and do what we were made to do. We realize we are, at the same time, worse than we thought and more loved than we had ever imagined.

We're One to Win Everyone. We want to be one - forgiven, reconciled, united together - so that everyone experiences the grace of God through Jesus Christ. We want people to believe that is a good summary. We want everyone to experience God's grace and freedom so everyone else experiences it too.


Wilkins said...

great idea, that. fun! you should do those regular-like and take questions from people as they walk by. Heh...

: )

Pastor Jim said...

it was so much fun we think we'll do it again, maybe put a 'leave your question here' spot on a blog or something. Steven has had so many GREAT questions coming out of paganism. had not thot about doing man on the street questions! good idea!

Anonymous said...

So VERY GLAD to see that you are still doing 'the work', Jim! I just subscribed to your blog...

you also may find my other blog interesting...
